Tue 16 Jun 2015 09:15 - 09:40 at PLDI Main BLUE (Portland 254-255) - Concurrency II Chair(s): Suresh Jagannathan

Concurrency control poses significant challenges when composing computations over multiple data-structures (objects) with different concurrency-control implementations. We formalize the usually desired requirements (serializability, abort-safety, deadlock-safety, and opacity) as well as stronger versions of these properties that enable composition. We show how to compose protocols satisfying these properties so that the resulting combined protocol also satisfies these properties. Our approach generalizes well-known protocols (such as two-phase-locking and two-phase-commit) and leads to new protocols. We apply this theory to show how we can safely compose optimistic and pessimistic concurrency control. For example, we show how we can execute a transaction that accesses two objects, one controlled by an STM and another by locking.

Tue 16 Jun

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09:15 - 10:55
Concurrency IIResearch Papers at PLDI Main BLUE (Portland 254-255)
Chair(s): Suresh Jagannathan Purdue University
Composing Concurrency Control
Research Papers
Ofri Ziv Tel Aviv University, Alex Aiken Stanford University, Guy Golan-Gueta Yahoo Labs, G. Ramalingam Microsoft Research, Mooly Sagiv Tel Aviv University
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Dynamic Partial Order Reduction for Relaxed Memory Models
Research Papers
Naling Zhang Virginia Tech, Markus Kusano Virginia Tech, Chao Wang Virginia Tech
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Monitoring Refinement via Symbolic Reasoning
Research Papers
Michael Emmi , Constantin Enea LIAFA, Université Paris Diderot, Jad Hamza LIAFA, Université Paris Diderot
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Preventing Glitches and Short Circuits in High-Level Self-Timed Chip Specifications
Research Papers
Stephen Longfield Cornell University, Brittany Nkounkou Cornell University, Rajit Manohar Cornell University, Ross Tate Cornell University
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