Mon 15 Jun 2015 14:00 - 14:25 at PLDI Main RED (Portland 256) - Correctness Chair(s): Jens Palsberg

Existing algorithmic debuggers for Haskell require a transformation of all modules in a program, even libraries that the user does not want to debug and which may use language features not supported by the debugger. This is a pity, because a promising approach to debugging is therefore not applicable to many real-world programs. We use the cost centre stack from the Glasgow Haskell Compiler profiling environment together with runtime value observations as provided by the Haskell Object Observation Debugger (HOOD) to collect enough information for algorithmic debugging. Program annotations are in suspected modules only. With this technique algorithmic debugging is applicable to a much larger set of Haskell programs.

PLDI 2015 Artifact Evaluated Badge

Mon 15 Jun

Displayed time zone: Tijuana, Baja California change

14:00 - 15:40
CorrectnessResearch Papers at PLDI Main RED (Portland 256)
Chair(s): Jens Palsberg University of California, Los Angeles
Algorithmic Debugging of Real-World Haskell Programs: Deriving Dependencies from the Cost Centre Stack
Research Papers
Maarten Faddegon University of Kent, UK, Olaf Chitil University of Kent, UK
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Automatic Error Elimination by Multi-Application Code Transfer
Research Papers
Media Attached
Light: Replay via Tightly Bounded Recording
Research Papers
Peng Liu Purdue University, Xiangyu Zhang Purdue University, Omer Tripp IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, Yunhui Zheng IBM Research
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Many-Core Compiler Fuzzing
Research Papers
Nathan Chong University College London, Alastair F. Donaldson Imperial College London, Andrei Lascu Imperial College London, Christopher Lidbury Imperial College London
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