Wed 17 Jun 2015 15:15 - 15:40 at PLDI Main RED (Portland 256) - Logic Chair(s): Nate Foster

Techniques for proving termination and non-termination of imperative programs are usually considered as orthogonal mechanisms. In this paper, we propose a novel mechanism that analyzes and proves both program termination and non-termination at the same time. We first introduce the concept of second-order termination constraints and accumulate a set of relational assumptions on them via a Hoare-style verification. We then solve these assumptions with case analysis to determine the (conditional) termination and non-termination scenarios expressed in some specification logic form. In contrast to current approaches, our technique can construct a summary of terminating and non-terminating behaviors for each method. This enables modularity and reuse for our termination and non-termination proving processes. We have tested our tool on sample programs from a recent termination competition, and compared favorably against state-of-the-art termination analyzers.

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Wed 17 Jun

Displayed time zone: Tijuana, Baja California change

14:00 - 15:40
LogicResearch Papers at PLDI Main RED (Portland 256)
Chair(s): Nate Foster Cornell University
Automatic Induction Proofs of Data-Structures in Imperative Programs
Research Papers
Duc-Hiep Chu National University of Singapore, Joxan Jaffar National University of Singapore, Minh-Thai Trinh National University of Singapore
Media Attached
Compositional Certified Resource Bounds
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Quentin Carbonneaux Yale University, Jan Hoffmann Yale University, Zhong Shao Yale University
Link to publication Media Attached
Peer-to-peer Affine Commitment using Bitcoin
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Karl Crary Carnegie Mellon University, Michael J. Sullivan
Media Attached
Termination and Non-Termination Specification Inference
Research Papers
Ton Chanh Le National University of Singapore, Shengchao Qin Teesside University, Wei-Ngan Chin National University of Singapore
Media Attached